Online Mediation
Suitable for professionals
Are you busy and unable to get out of work?
Online mediation is easy to set up and accessible wherever you have an Internet or mobile connection.
Suitable for professionals
Unable to find a babysitter?
Online mediation allows you to talk from the comfort of your own home.
Perfect for busy people
Is time a challenge?
Online mediation sessions are quick and easy with no need to commute.
The Family Mediation People can offer your initial Meeting Information Assessment Meeting (MIAM) meeting using Facetime, WhatsApp video or Skype if you are unable to meet face to face. Please call or email to schedule an appointment.
Deborah and Tracie are happy to conduct your MIAM initial meeting using skype or facetime.
There are several benefits to choosing this way to start your mediation journey;
You can do this from the comfort and security of your own environment.
Your meeting can be held when your children are in bed.
Having no transport is no longer a barrier to getting things moving in your life.
The understanding and confidentially you will receive is the same as you would receive in a face to face meeting.
Requesting a virtual meeting with Deborah or Tracie can usually be arranged within 36 hours.
The cost is at a reduced rate of £75 for up to an hour’s appointment.
There will need to be some safety checks in place;
You will need a quiet confidential space without interruptions.
We recommend you allow yourself to take 15 minutes reflection time after your initial MIAM meeting.
For mediation to be successful we will need to be able to interact virtually face to face on a call.
Start your mediation journey
We can help you reach an amicable decision and move on to a better place in your lives.